Plywood Production Process

Meinan in numbers
Number of patents held
354 including domestic and overseas
We hold 138 domestic patents and 216 foreign patents. In addition, we have filed 1546 patent applications.
* As of February 2018 -
Excellence in Technology Awards
We have received 5 technical excellence awards at “Mokkiten Japan/ Wood Ecotech”, Japan’s largest comprehensive wood industry technology exhibition.
* As of February 2018 -
Number of countries sold to
We started exporting to Taiwan in 1958. Today, Meinan machinery and technology is utilized in more than 13 countries around the world.
* As of November 2018 -
Number of machines developed
We started with the development of an innovative plywood manufacturing machine, and have since developed 150 machines and delivered nearly 6000 units to locations
all over the world. * As of November 2018